Deploying Multiple Docker Containers on AWS ECS with CDK and Docker Compose

Ankit Nigam
1 min readJan 29, 2021

I Just started a small hobby project to learn Node , Express , Mongo . Building the Application was easy as tools like npm express mongoose bycrypt do most of the heavy lifting .

I made a Simple Movie API that offered a

GET /movies to get a list of Movies in the DB

POST /movies to add movies to the DB

DELETE /movies/{:title} to delete records

POST /user/register who can create new movie Records and Delete others

You can check out my code on git hub

I used MongoDB as my Data store and thought of running it in a Docker container . This led to think about containerize my express app too so i added a Dockerfile

Next i wanted to have my Express Application docker container depend upon my Mongodb Docker container so i created a simple docker-compose.yml

